Horizontal brush washing (with air drying) machine FT-114A
Horizontal brush washing (with air drying) machine which is designed by FoodTec is suitable for medium fruit washing, such as beef tomato, apple, orange, pear, guava, etc. There are some injection pipes above the two side of brush. The water flow can be adjusted through the ball value, so it is suitable for kinds of medium fruit.
There is a water collection tray under the machine so that can discharge sewage.
Depending on different products, the speed of brush rotation can be adjusted through the inverter to reach the best washing effect. According to different requirements, the machine can be equipped with multiple industrial fans. Through the brush and above fans, the surface moisture and dirt of product can remove effectively so that can prolong shelf life and maintain freshness. The machine is equipped with an emergency stop button. The operator can stop the machine at any time if there is a problem during operation. The device can improve the operator safety. The entire machine is stainless steel with electrolytic polished to make it easy to clean and increase its durability. This kind of washing machine can be used as a stand-alone machine or combined with various styles of cleaning, cutting, packaging machines to complete the whole automatic production line.